Summary of the failure

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Posted by Lz (207..61.10) on November 06, 2024 at 15:52:05:

Bên mấy bang miền Đông có nhiều người ủng hộ cho ứng cử viên (tổng thống) của đảng Xanh là Jill Stein. Sau khi đảng DC thua, bà Stein có ra cái thông cáo báo chí để đảng viên của đảng DC đừng đổ lỗi oan cho bà ấy. Tôi thấy cái này sum up rất đúng lư do v́ sao Kamala Harris lại thua:

"The Democrats have no one but themselves to blame for losing to Trump again, after their decades of failures and betrayals that paved the way for Trump's rise in the first place. From their unconditional support for the endless war machine and genocide in Gaza, to their subservience to Wall Street, to their indifference to human rights, to their reckless acceleration of the fossil fuel pollution driving climate collapse, to their assault on democracy - on all these issues and many more the Democratic Party has betrayed the trust of the people," the statement said. "This election removes any remaining doubt that the Democratic Party has utterly failed the people it claims to represent, and that we need a genuine opposition party for people, planet, and peace."

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