Posted by tech (72..2.45) on February 04, 2025 at 11:34:36:
tinh and Phe: I tried to do what you asked and get it to look like this:
In the past this used to work from what the internet instructions say. But it does not work anymore because when I click to play it just turn to a black screen. I search around and it look like the problem is due to youtube. They have never support embedding a short on another website. people still do it anyway and it was fine for a time but recently youtube don't allow it to play anymore, at least not the easy way.
So what I'm doing now is to search for a web site or a web page somewhere with an embeded youtube short clip that does work (it means you can click on the play button and it will play) in order to copy their code. If anyone can find it please share here with me thank you.