Lý do FB xài React ...

Posted by TOI ..27..25.121 on Nov 01, 2020 at 03:27:14:

Vì Newsfeed của FB nhiều quá, nhứt là những ai có nhiều friends, follow nhiều celebrities hay likes nhiều people, thì họ sẽ bị flood vô số message khi họ log vô newsfeed của họ .

That is the reason why React was born, is to release a burden on initial load when having a big newsfeed content or else FB will take forever to load. After initial loading, user needs to scroll down and see the rest of newsfeed. The scrolling is an event, triggering the rest of newsfeeds messages ...

My products don 't have huge & long contents, but they have a lot of features and functionalities, JavaScript files and images (since is is an actual images of store) and UNITY-3D web api (for 3d Web mall). Therefore initial loading is a pain in the ass, especially if it is on high traffic or on cheap wifi. People just stare at white blank page for a long time, which is not good at all .

If I use React framework for my product, it will solve the initial loading since React use front end JavaScript library for building UI (in my product is the store 's background image). After that React is useless for my product, since all my coding use backend server, which is much faster and safer when using front end to interact with backends.

my dilemma is whether I should change from MVC asp.net framework to React framework because I am not sure it works or if it works then is it faster or better than MVC for my structure design. Let 's say if it works better, then it is still taking too much time to implement it because my product is huge.

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