A Mother's Song

Posted by slh ..146..1.99 on May 08, 2015 at 10:05:53:

Ngày Hiền Mẫu năm nay
Mẹ đã không còn nữa
nhưng con luôn xin hứa
nhớ những lời Mẹ khuyên

A Perfect Ten

I'm gonna start with One
and see how you react
then Two that I'd count
if there's another fact

we all know Three's a crowd
and the weak one's left out
Four, if we count seasons
and Spring is now in session

how many fingers on a hand
Five! would be my answer
holding yours, and a rose
that's Six, counting the flower

for Seven days to a week
you've been there for me
Eight minutes drive apart
but now, i can't touch thee

Nine months since you've passed
i miss you, so dearly
a perfect Ten circled
to Mother's Day of sincerely.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

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