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Posted by Phù Vân ..136..34.171 on Nov 06, 2020 at 15:54:17:

Tôi lang thang theo chân anh Gù vào các bang Georgia, Pa, NC, Nevada
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Summary of recount laws
The list below shows answers to common questions regarding recounts in Pennsylvania.[1]

Does state law require automatic recounts?
Yes, when the margin for a statewide office or ballot measure is less than or equal to 0.5% of the total vote. An automatic recount may be required in the event of certain discrepancies described below.
When must an automatic recount be completed?
No later than the first Tuesday after the third Wednesday following the election.
Can a recount be requested?
Yes, the recount can be requested within five days of the election or within five days after the computational canvass if requested through the court of common pleas. No margin is required and there is no set deadline for completion.
Who pays for a requested recount?
The requester.
Is a refund available for requested recount costs?
Yes. Costs paid by the requester are refunded if the recount reveals substantial error or fraud.
Can a partial recount be requested?
Automatic recount procedures
Pennsylvania requires automatic recounts if the margin of victory for a statewide office or ballot question appearing on the ballot in every election district is less than or equal to 0.5% of all votes cast for the office or ballot measure.[2] Such a recount must be ordered by the secretary of state no later than 5:00 p.m. on the second Thursday following the election. The recount shall begin no later than the third Wednesday following the election and must be completed no later than 12:00 p.m. on the following Tuesday.[2]

Election officials may be required to conduct an automatic recount in the event of certain discrepancies described here.[3]

Requested recount procedures
Three voters of an election district may request a recount in the county of their election district by submitting an affidavit alleging errors in the vote totals. The deadline to request such a recount is no later than five days after the election.[2] Three voters of an election district may also request a recount through the court of common pleas.[4] In order to conduct the recount in multiple election districts, requests must be made in each respective district following these guidelines.[4] The deadline to request such a recount is no later than five days after the completion of computational canvassing. If error or fraud is found, an additional five days is provided to make additional requests elsewhere.[5] Requesters are responsible for costs associated with the recount unless the recount shows that fraud or substantial error occurred, in which case the costs are refunded.[4] There is no set deadline for the completion of requested recounts.
Summary of recount laws
The list below shows answers to common questions regarding recounts in Georgia.[1]

Does state law require automatic recounts?
When must an automatic recount be completed?
There are no automatic recounts in this state.
Can a recount be requested?
Yes, the recount can be requested if the margin is less than or equal to 0.5%. The recount must be requested within two business days after county certification. Election officials may also request recounts under certain circumstances explained below. There are no set deadlines for completion.
Who pays for a requested recount?
State law does not specify who is responsible for costs associated with a requested recount but the secretary of state's office has indicated that the state covers all costs.[2]
Is a refund available for requested recount costs?
Not applicable. According to the Secretary of State, the state covers the cost of requested recounts.[3]
Can a partial recount be requested?
Georgia recount procedures
Automatic recount procedures
Georgia does not require automatic recounts.

Requested recount procedures
Under Georgia law, recounts may be requested under the following conditions:[4]

If the margin between candidates is less than or equal to 0.5%, a candidate may request a recount within two business days following the certification of results.
An election official may order, at his or her discretion, a recount if it appears there is a discrepancy or error in the returns. In precincts using paper or scanned ballots, any candidate or political party may petition the election official to make such an order. In precincts using voting machines, any three electors of the precinct may do the same.
For constitutional amendments and binding referendum questions, the Constitutional Amendment Publication Board may, at its discretion, request a recount if the margin is less than or equal to 0.5% within two business days following the certification of results.
The Secretary of State may request a recount at his or her discretion if a candidate for federal or state office petitions the office regarding an apparent discrepancy or error in the returns.
State law specifies neither deadlines for completion nor who is responsible for requested recount costs. The Citizens for Election Integrity Minnesota writes, "According to the Office of the Georgia Secretary of State, for recounts authorized under Title 21, the petitioners are not responsible for any of the costs incurred by election officials."[5]

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